Friday, 25 September 2015

Advantages, Problems and Recommendations

Assalamualaikum dan good afternoon friends, today we would like to explain about the advantages, problems and the recommendations in PRS... 

1.1Central Data Management. The system allows PDRM to centrally manage incident and investigation information. This gives the management central security control of the organization’s operation data.

1.2Faster Turnaround Time. The system frees PDRM’s personnel from the constraint of paper information sharing and distribution. Every user can retrieve any incident, police investigation, custody, evidence and prosecution information directly from his fingertips without any delay.

1.3Increased Operational Efficiency. The system allows information to be accessibleanywhere and anytime within PDRM’s network. It helps the management officers to identify investigation process bottlenecks and workload issues, crime forecast and better resource planning.

2.1Lacking of Computer Knowledge. The computer knowledge in PDRM work force is yet to improve. Many users are still having little computer operating knowledge. A lot of computer functions are not fully utilized.

2.2Low Network Bandwidth. PDRM’s wide area network is currently provided by Telekom Malaysia. The network bandwidth provided to PDRM is not sufficient to support the growing number of desktop and mobile computers. Hence, the input and retrieval of information is often disturbed by network congestion during office hour

3.1Lacking of Computer Knowledge. The PRS project team should request for more training budget to provide continuing computing education to the users.

3.2Low Network Bandwidth. The PRS project team should evaluate other wide area network providers such as Maxis and Digi for providing higher bandwidth network with the same cost paid to Telekom.

Ok friends, till we meet again next week with new information. Bye

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