Saturday 26 September 2015

Security Threat and Solution

Security and Threat
The possibility of the threat that face as follow:
                    a)      Network

a.       Computer virus may happen due to lacking of computer security knowledge, very often users bring in computer virus from unreliable storage device such as flash drive.

b.      Password management is low as users often use passwords that are too simple to be hacked.

c.       Lacking of security awareness is whereby the users often leave their computer unattended and share their system login information with the users.

b)      Hardware

a.       Power problem of similar nature would include brownout (lower voltage at electrical outlet) or voltage spikes (temporary voltage increase).

b.      Computer age tend to fail more often. Electronic component are stressed over time as they heat up and cool down.

c)      Software

a.       Save file are corrupted after being scan into the softcopy form.
Organize Information Security Awareness Campaign. Information awareness campaign
should be organized more regularly to promote data protect procedures.
Implement Computer Security Product. Desktop security software should be implemented to
secure user computers using biometric sign-on technology.

Friday 25 September 2015

Advantages, Problems and Recommendations

Assalamualaikum dan good afternoon friends, today we would like to explain about the advantages, problems and the recommendations in PRS... 

1.1Central Data Management. The system allows PDRM to centrally manage incident and investigation information. This gives the management central security control of the organization’s operation data.

1.2Faster Turnaround Time. The system frees PDRM’s personnel from the constraint of paper information sharing and distribution. Every user can retrieve any incident, police investigation, custody, evidence and prosecution information directly from his fingertips without any delay.

1.3Increased Operational Efficiency. The system allows information to be accessibleanywhere and anytime within PDRM’s network. It helps the management officers to identify investigation process bottlenecks and workload issues, crime forecast and better resource planning.

2.1Lacking of Computer Knowledge. The computer knowledge in PDRM work force is yet to improve. Many users are still having little computer operating knowledge. A lot of computer functions are not fully utilized.

2.2Low Network Bandwidth. PDRM’s wide area network is currently provided by Telekom Malaysia. The network bandwidth provided to PDRM is not sufficient to support the growing number of desktop and mobile computers. Hence, the input and retrieval of information is often disturbed by network congestion during office hour

3.1Lacking of Computer Knowledge. The PRS project team should request for more training budget to provide continuing computing education to the users.

3.2Low Network Bandwidth. The PRS project team should evaluate other wide area network providers such as Maxis and Digi for providing higher bandwidth network with the same cost paid to Telekom.

Ok friends, till we meet again next week with new information. Bye

Friday 18 September 2015

Business Process

Hi....we meet again. Today we would like to explained about the business flow of the system. We are focusing on Enquiry office module. But below are the overall flow of the information goes by PRS.

It begin on the process of lodging a police report starts with the complainant walk in to the Police Station and at the Enquiry Office. Than the Rank File Officer will type the complainant report into the system. Then, the typed report is shown to the complainant for him/her to acknowledge it to be true and accurate. In case where he or she cannot read Bahasa Malaysia, the report is read to him or her and translated if possible. The complainant will then sign a copy of the report for acknowledgement.The PRS will then generate automatically a police report number.the Officer-in-Charge of Police Station (OCS) classifies the complaint according to the nature of the report, whether it is of a civil or criminal category such as ROA (Refer other agency), RIO (Refer investigation officer) or RTM (Refer to magistrate). After the OCS have been classified the report, the Investigation Officer (IO) will classified the case and take further action. Both of the OCS and IO will seek advice from the Officer-in-Charge of Criminal Investigation (OCCI) subsequently re-check whether the report is appropriately classified.When the report case is been classified, further action need to be proceed. If the case is criminal, then the Investigation Officer need to begin to state the “who, what, where, when, why, and how” of the case. It is a continuous process as evidence and leads are tracked down and results are analyzed. After the IO complete all the investigation and collect the entire document needed, they will present to the Deputy Public Prosecutor. Then the DPP will analyzed the case and make decision. The case analyzed will be either charged the suspect is formally told that they will be sent to court and what law they are alleged to have broken. Secondly, no further action if there is insufficient evidence to charge or caution a suspect, no further action will be taken by police. Thirdly is to compound the suspect.
The PRS is monitored daily at the District, Contingent and Bukit Aman HQ levels. Senior officers at these levels regularly check the accuracy of the classification through the system itself. As this practice is very important that disciplinary actions will be taken against those officers who failed to classify cases accordingly and those who refused or failed to take down a report will be dealt with disciplinary procedure.

ok guys, thats all for today. see ya next chapter...

Friday 4 September 2015

Telecomunication Network

Assalamualaikum and hi guys,

Today carmen and i will explained about the telecommunication network involves in the PRS.
before we explained futhermore, below we attach together the picture of the network working that shows the Ethernet of Police Reporting System. Ethernet is a family of computer networking technologies for local area networks (LANs).

Network Component involves in the network are :

Network Switch. The network switch is used to connect user computer in a local office to the PDRM’s wide area network
Network Router. The network router is used to route the network traffic between PDRM Data Center and a local user office.
Network Traffic Manager. The network traffic manager is a device that monitors incoming traffic loads and direct the traffic loads to the designated application servers for processing.

Okay, we will continue updating the information regarding our system every weeks. InsyaAllah.