Saturday, 26 September 2015

Security Threat and Solution

Security and Threat
The possibility of the threat that face as follow:
                    a)      Network

a.       Computer virus may happen due to lacking of computer security knowledge, very often users bring in computer virus from unreliable storage device such as flash drive.

b.      Password management is low as users often use passwords that are too simple to be hacked.

c.       Lacking of security awareness is whereby the users often leave their computer unattended and share their system login information with the users.

b)      Hardware

a.       Power problem of similar nature would include brownout (lower voltage at electrical outlet) or voltage spikes (temporary voltage increase).

b.      Computer age tend to fail more often. Electronic component are stressed over time as they heat up and cool down.

c)      Software

a.       Save file are corrupted after being scan into the softcopy form.
Organize Information Security Awareness Campaign. Information awareness campaign
should be organized more regularly to promote data protect procedures.
Implement Computer Security Product. Desktop security software should be implemented to
secure user computers using biometric sign-on technology.