Saturday, 26 September 2015

Security Threat and Solution

Security and Threat
The possibility of the threat that face as follow:
                    a)      Network

a.       Computer virus may happen due to lacking of computer security knowledge, very often users bring in computer virus from unreliable storage device such as flash drive.

b.      Password management is low as users often use passwords that are too simple to be hacked.

c.       Lacking of security awareness is whereby the users often leave their computer unattended and share their system login information with the users.

b)      Hardware

a.       Power problem of similar nature would include brownout (lower voltage at electrical outlet) or voltage spikes (temporary voltage increase).

b.      Computer age tend to fail more often. Electronic component are stressed over time as they heat up and cool down.

c)      Software

a.       Save file are corrupted after being scan into the softcopy form.
Organize Information Security Awareness Campaign. Information awareness campaign
should be organized more regularly to promote data protect procedures.
Implement Computer Security Product. Desktop security software should be implemented to
secure user computers using biometric sign-on technology.

Friday, 21 August 2015

PRS Part 2

Hi, we meet again this week....

For this week we would like to post regarding the planning of PRS before its established. It started on 1997 and finalise on 2002. This system have their own function as we mentioned last week and there are most helpful for the investigation officer as first information report. 

In the normal course of things, investigation is usually started on receipt of a report at the     police station about the commission of an offence. This report is known as the First Information Report, or in short FIR. It is also generally categorised as a Police Report since it is lodged at the police station. However not all police reports are FIR.

Under section 107 of the CPC, every information relating to the commission of an offence, if given orally to an officer in charge of a police station (OCS), shall be reduced to writing by him or under his direction and to be read over to the informant. Every such information shall be entered in a book to be kept by that officer, who shall append to such entry the date and hour on which that information was given, and whether given in writing or reduced to writing as aforesaid shall be signed by the person giving it. 

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Introduction of PDRM

Brief Background 
The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) is a uniformed federal police force in Malaysia. The force is centralized organization with responsibilities ranging from traffic control to intelligence gathering. The HQ is located at Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur. Police forced is led by an IGP, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar. The constitution, control, employment, recruitment, fund, discipline, duties and powers of the police force are governed by the Police Act 1967.

Mission and Vission

Organizational Chart

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

MIS project schedule

Below are the task and targeted to be complete schedule for the entire MIS project that have been assigning to us.